So now that we know that I have finally stopped the ticker of my proverbial biological time clock, I'm wondering if my body knows what time it actually is. I have never been so tired in my life. I'm up ALL night long having to pee every 30 minutes, and then I want to sleep all day but can't . I practically just think of doing the dishes and get tired. Not only am I exhausted, but I'm disgustingly lazy too. Let me demonstrate. If the remote is too far for me to reach, I'll watch the channel that the TV is on (even if it's in Spanish). How fat is that???
Along with the tired, lazy, simply unmotivated behavior my zygote is causing me, I also have one more problem: I'm emotionally WHACK . Since pregnancy I seem to have developed temporary split personality disorder. Since I know that I am behaving crazily and simply cannot help it, I have decided to name my "crazy bitch" Regina. She's an evil, emotionally wound, uncontrollable, unstable, and simply psychotically irrational person. (Nothing like myself) Ha!
Today she made a guest appearance when my poor husband walked through the door. She started to cry and have a breakdown probably because he wasn't smiling enough or something. It's BIZARRE. Oh and also because I shrunk one of my favorite sweaters in the dryer. You would have thought that I lost a family member or something!
People say the second trimester is much better. Pleeeeassseeeee hurry week 12.
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