Not like the entire world needs to know about my wild, out of control sex life but if you're on this blog then you're going to hear about it. (Sorry Mom and Dad).
The last few weeks has been filled with some nausea, cramping, bloated guts, emotional breakdowns, rapidly growing boobs. Doesn't sound like sex would be fun, right? WRONG.
Lets just say sex while pregnant is AHHHH-MAZING! Um, who would've thunk that doubling blood volume can lead to double the fun! Double the O bitches! On the weird side I seem to have become a cirque du soleil-like contortionist. How in Gods name did I become this flexible? I swear it felt like I could flip my legs around my head twice while bending backwards and doing a double back tuck. I have to say I was slightly wierded out. So being the curious little researcher that I am, I decided to look this new found flexibility up. Looks like there is a hormone that you develop while prego called Relaxin which suddenly makes you, well, a professional yogi! Apparently this hormone lubricates all of your joints, ligaments, and tendons making them super loose, bendable and elastic. Hooray! A new career opportunity has suddenly opened up! Move over acrobats, this fatty is on her trapeze swingin' way! Ohhhhhhhh yeah.
Best video EVER. (I'll have what she's having).
Well now I feel like I'm missing out on some hot crazy sex! WTF, this it so unfair!