Since some of you asked I will be brief about the more uncommon pregnancy issue I have had. Simply put I have been diagnosed with a genetic blood clotting disorder. With this disorder I have to give myself daily injections of a blood thinner along with taking a baby aspirin at bedtime to keep my blood nice and thin and avoid getting blood clots. Good times. I thought that the shots were going to be the worst part of the news, but I was sadly mistaken. The last doctor appointment I had they happily gave me the news that due to this clotting issue I would have to have NATURAL CHILD BIRTH. WHHHHAAAATTTTT?????


From the moment I got pregnant I had decided that I was naturally going to do just as every woman who cares about vaginal preservation and have a C-Section, DUH! When they told me this was out of the questions I asked about having an epidural. Their answer? NOPE, NO EPIDURAL. It can cause a clot on the spinal cord so this is out of the question as well. Holy hell, what am I going to do?

From the moment I got pregnant I had decided that I was naturally going to do just as every woman who cares about vaginal preservation and have a C-Section, DUH! When they told me this was out of the questions I asked about having an epidural. Their answer? NOPE, NO EPIDURAL. It can cause a clot on the spinal cord so this is out of the question as well. Holy hell, what am I going to do?
Now I know natural child birth may seem like nothing to some women, but to me this is ridiculous. If there are drugs to lessen the pain, why not use them? So now I am looking into alternate ways of taking away the pain, and aside from having someone come in the room and hit me over the head with a baseball bat until I black out there isn't much I can do. Unfair, simply unfair. Now, I'm sure you are asking yourself about why I would opt for a C-Section and what I mean by "vaginal preservation". Let me enlighten you. So yes, a cesarean section has a longer time for recovery, etc, etc BUT (and really there is no pun intended) vaginal delivery can wreak havoc on ALL of the precious goods. I had learned early on from a few friends who have had a procedure called an episiotomy that vaginal delivery is not the best way to go. What is an episiotomy you ask? Well now this is where they take a lovely scalpel (remember NO DRUGS!) and cut your petunia from A to Z. (More like from vag to ass) Yep! And the alternative? TEARING from vag to ass.

This is not something I am willing to experience, thank you very much. So C section I opted for. For Christ sakes, I have had my tits done and my neck practically replaced so cutting through my belly to pull out my precious bundle of joy is a cinch!
So let the the negotiation with these doctors begin! There will be NO WAY on Gods green earth that I will have natural child birth. As it is this kid is going to be huge (have you seen my husband??) and I would really love to keep my petunia nice and pretty just like he found it. END OF DISCUSSION.

I would look more into the natural childbirth - it may not actually be that bad. There are classes you can take, etc.
ReplyDeleteWith any way that you have your baby, there are different risks. Like you mentioned with natural, there is a possibility of an episiotimy or tearing, but the doctors can sew you up VERY well.
And then with a c-section, they stretch your muscles and those may not go back to how they were either.
Good luck though!! I hope everything turns out the way you want it to :-)
Rach--My two kids were born without a single bit of pain killers--not by choice, but that's how it happened. The twins on the other hand, were via c-section. I would take the natural, drug free child birth any day of the week! No episiotomy in my world, and no tearing. Things are just as they were before having kids!
ReplyDeleteYou're a tough CrossFit chick--you can totally handle this!
And btw, just because you can't have an epidural doesn't necessarily mean you can't have ANYTHING-they can give you morphine injections and a few other things to take the edge off if you need it. Ask your doctor!!!